Most Popular Solar Energy Myths

Renewable energy is something that the world is striving for since our non-renewable energy resources are diminishing quickly.

One of the best green energy options is solar energy, however, despite solar power being a clean and extremely efficient way how to produce electricity, there are still a lot of myths about this alternative energy source, that turn away many potential solar energy users.

So it is time to debunk these myths and to find out the truth about solar energy, which is why we, Trilect Solar team, offer you a list of some of the most popular solar energy myths along with an explanation of why they are just myths.

Solar energy is very expensive

Whenever there is a discussion about solar energy and solar panels, there still a lot of people who refuse to convert to solar power just because they have heard this misconception that solar energy is very expensive.

So let us be the first to tell you that, although it maybe was so 30 years ago, the price of solar panels has dropped significantly since then and therefore you cannot call solar energy an expensive venture anymore.

In fact, the price of solar panels and solar cells has decreased a lot. We will only be seeing further price reductions in the coming years, with new and advanced technologies being introduced in the solar industry every year.

Solar power isn’t even that green

Another myth that we have heard about solar energy is that solar power isn’t even that green or that clean, meaning that solar energy produce as much of the greenhouse gas emission as saying fossil fuels do.

But this myth couldn’t be further from the truth, since the process of producing energy with the help of solar panels doesn’t produce any greenhouse gasses what so ever, therefore solar energy is green and able to decrease greenhouse gas emissions a great deal.

On top of that, even if we take into account the fact that solar systems do take machinery to set them up, which of course produces some harmful gasses, solar energy plants still generate so much clean energy that it doesn’t hold a candle to the gas emissions that occur while the solar panels are being installed.

Solar systems demand a lot of upkeep

Then there is the myth that solar systems will require nonstop maintenance and that you will have to keep up with them all the time, in order for the solar panels to produce a good amount of energy. And again, this is a false misconception, because solar systems actually demand very little care.

Actually, once a solar system that is tied to an electricity grid is installed, the most you will have to do to it will be to check up on it a few times a year and hose the panels down if they get too dirty. And even these tasks are not obligatory, but more of suggestions so your panels keep working in optimum capacity.

This is because solar panels not only have virtually no moving parts, but their design nowadays is so well-made that solar systems provide a sturdy, safe, and reliable way of producing energy.

Solar panels won’t generate energy on cloudy days and during the winter

And lastly, the myth that solar panels do not generate power during the winter or if they are set up in climates where there are a lot of cloudy or foggy days.

To better understand why this myth is just that myth, let us explain how solar panels work. So, solar panels use their photovoltaic cells aka the solar cells to absorb light and convert it into electricity, which means that solar energy comes from light, not heat, therefore even if you live in a colder climate or one where sunlight isn’t such a common occurrence, your panels will still produce a ton of energy.

In fact, solar panels actually work better in slightly cooler temperatures, since starting from around 32 degrees Celcius the solar panel efficiency starts to fall, meaning that the panels are producing less renewable energy. And clouds and fog also don’t affect the panels that much, because there is still daylight that the panels can use to produce electricity. Just makes sure that your panels are free of snow and ice, since light can’t really penetrate a thick coat of snow or ice, and you should be able to enjoy the benefits of solar energy anywhere you live.


Trilect Solar is a division of Trilect Services, New Zealand’s master electrician since 1997.

We are members of the Sustainable Energy Association of New Zealand (SEANZ) which offers additional peace of mind to our customers.

Trilect Electrical Services is a large electrical service company which is a member of the Master Electricians & Mastercraft network with 40 employees and a 20+ years history of customer satisfaction.

We do not use sub-contractors. All of the installations will be carried out by our experienced team.

Trilect Solar offers a customised energy plan that works for your home/ business.

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